Annotated Bibliography (2 of 3)

Gary McClelland, Jason Melendy. 2007. Use of endoparasitic helminths as tags in delineating stocks of American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence and Cape Breton Shelf . Fish. Bull. 105:180–188

The purpose of this paper was to test whether there were two distinct stocks of American plaice, a species of flounder, within the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Cape Breton shelf. To deliniate the stocks, the presence of different species of parasites, in this case Acanthocephalans, were used as geographic markers of the stocks. McClelland and Melendy concluded that there were, in fact, two distinct stocks of plaice within the Gulf of St. Lawrence, each with its own species of acanthocephalan parasite. Due to frequent mixing of populations, no conclusion of a distinct stock could be made for the Cape Breton Shelf.

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